Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

My first post of the new year.  Mom was asking what my new years resolution was.  Even though i love my DS so much - I said i would not play it all the time.  Isn't that a good one - my mom thought so.  Actually I would like to post at least once a week on here. I will share with all how I see me from the outside looking in - I mean that is the reason for this blog right!  I also want to try to get 4 A's on my report card this year to make distinguish honor roll.  I am hoping everyone has a healthy and happy new year.  Thanks for reading.


Anonymous said...

happy new year to you and i think this is a very cool blog, i wish you well with it and good luck on getting 4 A's on your report card

Anonymous said...

Good resolution, matt! Keep up the good work!