Thursday, December 30, 2010

Lab Work - preparing to have blood drawn

Getting blood drawn for routine lab work is not all that scary.  I have to go every three months and once again Ms. Emma was my phlebotomist (the person that draws the blood).  Unfortunately she is leaving this location and moving to Missouri.  I am going to miss her so much.  Over the last 6 years she was the one who took my lab work the most.  I gave her my favorite squeeze frog to remember me. I took a video with Ms. Emma showing how blood was drawn step by step.  To prepare for your lab work remember these steps:
  • Take your favorite squeeze toy to help your vein get pumped up (My favorite toy was the squeeze frog - of course)
  • Ask for butterfly needle because it is the smallest needle and hurts the least
  • Ask for a cool band aid
  • Never bend your arm after the draw
  • And the best part is to ask to go to McDonald's as a reward after you're done!!  Be prepared in case you can not go because your mom or dad has other plans.  Maybe compromise for another time!
Press the play button, watch and enjoy


I am almost 13 years old and I have Asperger's.  I started this blog as a goal setting project for school.  The purpose of this blog is to let the world know that I view my Asperger's differently than other people that see me. There are many of us on the autistic spectrum who are really cool.  Did you know that the experts are now saying for every 1 boy out of 100 one is on the autistic spectrum.  So chances are there is at least one kid in your school that has autism or Asperger’s. 

I was diagnosed at the age of 9 with Asperger’s. I am really no different than any other kid in my middle school.  Over the next few weeks I will be doing video blogs that show this.  Although you might think I am different - deep inside I am just like you - but have different ways of expressing it.

My first video blog was going for my lab work.  I have to have blood drawn every 3 months due to the medications I am on.  I thought it would be great to have others see how easy it is and guess what - it doesn't hurt.  Take a look at it now in my next blog!  Hope to see you back here.  Don't forget to add me to your RSS feed as I will be updating quite regularly.